Posts in travel
Experiments in Film: Cross-Processing Slide Film

Cross-processing is the act of developing your film in the “wrong” chemicals—it’s a technique that can produce some funky results because you’re developing film in chemicals that it’s not made to be developed in. (for example, color negative film should be developed in C-41 chemicals for optimal results, and slide film should be developed in E6 chemicals). I decided it was time to give it a try while I was recently on vacation in Panama. I shot a roll of expired Kodak Ektachrome 100 (slide film) and developed it in C-41 chemicals. What resulted was lots of blue-green tinting and high contrast. I’m pleased with the way these turned out and look forward to experimenting more with cross-processing to see what other cool results arise.

Lima, Peru Travel Inspiration

Welcome to a new blog series! Travel is integral to Abe, so I thought it would be fun to share some of the many photos from my travels to inspire your own wanderlust. Plus, a few tips and favorite places to see, eat & do—a twist on the traditional travel guide blog. First up, Lima, Peru!

Where to stay: We loved the historic, walkable feel of the Barranco district.

Favorite places to eat:

Things to do:

  • Wander all over! But more specifically, the historic center of Barranco, which also happens to lead down to a few beaches.

  • Watch the sunset on the water

  • Walk or bike along the Malecon, a two-mile stretch along the cliffs

  • Go on a food tour

  • Head over to the beach town of Punta Hermosa, an hour south of Lima

I hope this gives you a glimpse of what Lima, Peru has to offer!
